All arithmetical and logical functions inside a computer/server configuration are addressed by its Central Processing Unit, or CPU. This hardware component is usually called the "brains" of the personal computer as well. The pace at which the CPU carries out system instructions is usually referred to as its speed and it's measured in Hertz. The speedier the processing unit is, the more quickly scripts and web programs shall be executed, even though the efficiency of the latter is determined by other things as well - the read/write speed of the hard disk, the amount of physical memory, the network connectivity, and many others. All newer CPUs have multiple cores, that work together. Because of this, the overall performance and the workload which a CPU can manage increase, as each and every core can process a number of tasks independently and a number of cores can handle 1 task that can't be processed by one core.

CPU Share in VPS Servers

If you choose to host your sites on a VPS server from our company, it will be possible to choose from a wide variety of packages that feature different resources, including the CPU share that'll be allotted to the new account. Thus, you can select a plan which will be appropriate for your sites in terms of both the resources and the monthly fee you will pay for them. We use very efficient physical servers with multi-core processors running at 3.0+ GHz, so the CPU quota that you will get shall be guaranteed at all times, because we create only several virtual servers on the physical machines. This offers you the opportunity to upgrade your package in the future as much as you would like, without having to worry that there will not be enough resources on the web server. This kind of an upgrade shall take only 2 clicks from your billing Control Panel.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated server solutions have various hardware configurations, thus, based upon what you need the hosting server for and on your budget, you can find the right one for you. Aside from the different RAM and disk space allocations, each and every package includes different CPU shares also. The CPUs we offer you have 2-12 cores, so you can select the package which will suit your needs best. With the most powerful package deal, each app which you run on the server will run extremely quick no matter what resources it needs and no matter how many people are using it concurrently, but even the lower-end packages are suitable for most kinds of websites. The performance of the CPUs is evaluated alongside all the other hardware parts, in order to guarantee that the hosting server which we will hand over to you shall work faultlessly and at optimum capacity at all times.