PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, popularly referred to as PHP, is a popular general-purpose server-side coding language, which is used to develop dynamic sites with interactive features like discussion boards, e-learning portals or community web portals. In stark contrast with static HTML-based sites, a PHP site can show different web content to each visitor under the same page URL. Due to the fact that PHP-based Internet apps can be managed through a single Control Panel tool, which you can sign in to using any web browser, you won’t need to have any coding abilities or past experience whatsoever to maintain a PHP-powered site. The fact that 100s of millions of sites around the world are PHP-based is indicative of the language’s popularity and simplicity of use. You only ought to make certain that the web server where you host your site supports the same PHP version as the one that you used while building the website.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Website Hosting

If you purchase a website hosting plan from us, you’ll never need to ponder on whether your sites are compatible with the hosting platform, as we support several PHP versions for the sake of your convenience. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to pick PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with just one single click and if you’d like to change the current version, the new settings will be applied instantly. Thus, many years of work on sites created with an older PHP version won’t go down the tube. Our web hosting platform will even allow you to use a different PHP version for each domain hosted in your account, which means that you can use older and newer scripts at the same time. Most hosting providers on the market offer support for one, sometimes for two PHP versions. In contrast with them, we consider that you should be the one to pick the version that will be used by your very own websites.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Even if your sites were built with an older PHP version, you will be able to host them in a semi-dedicated server account from us, as we support several versions running at the same time on our semi-dedicated servers and each one of them can be enabled for your account with just one click of the mouse through our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Besides the latest PHP 8, we also offer 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and the older PHP 4. The latter has already been abandoned by the majority of web hosting suppliers, but we are strongly convinced that you shouldn’t be forced to modify a site that took years to set up, as older script language syntax does not always mean security loopholes. Quite the opposite, a rightly maintained website using PHP 4 can be more secure than an incompetently maintained one using PHP 5. For the sake of your convenience, we’ll also provide you with the possibility to set a different PHP version for each single site within the account.