Web Statistics Manager
The only location you have to go for your web site activity stats

The thorough web analytics stats in your Web Hosting Control Panel will allow you to keep track of just about all activities on your sites. You’ll get live information about the stress created in your hosting account along with the site traffic they receive on an hourly, weekly and per–month basis. You’ll also find details in relation to our servers as a whole like the actual IP address, the OS, the variations of PHP and MySQL and many more. All the information is classified in sections for you to locate it.
Server Information
Check the hosting server’s Operating System, IP address, etc.
From the Web Statistics Manager part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can get real–time information on the web server such as the Operating System that is utilized or even the real IP address of your website hosting account. Furthermore, you will discover important information for your website development assignments like the current versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, and the setup Perl modules. Mailing server info such as sendmail path as well as the incoming and outgoing emaill servers is also included.
The whole set of web hosting server information and facts is brought to you in an easy–to–read manner so you can find the facts you may need.
Access & Error Stats
Quickly detect any web site effectiveness problems
The Access and Error Logs report info concerning the server, consisting of details of web server access as well as the kinds of faults encountered throughout web server performance. You’ll find both forms of information about the efficiency of your sites from the Web Statistics Manager part of your Web Hosting Control Panel.
The access log lists the whole set of text files, image files, video clip files, etc. that others have asked for to view in your web site, while the error log archives all of the warnings and issues that the server has stumbled upon since the log file was developed.
Website Stats
Track your web site visitors in real time
Supervising the website statistics of your site is the easiest way to understand how your marketing strategy works. From your Web Hosting Control Panel enclosed online stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you will monitor the quantities of visitors that flock to your website, together with the volume of views they make and web pages they load on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.
To review the statistics info, simply go to the Web Statistics part of the Web Hosting Control Panel and load the stats file for a selected site. You do not have to configure anything at all on your end. We start the statistics right after your web site goes on the Internet and starts attracting visits.
CPU Stats
Keep track of your websites’ server load
The host’s CPU is vital for the communication between your website and its website visitors. The more complicated and resource–demanding your websites are, greater amount of web server assets and CPU time will be required for them to perform.
In the CPU stats area of the Web Hosting Control Panel, it will be easy to check the employment of CPU power generated by all of your websites. This will enable you to take appropriate steps and improve your sites if the CPU utilization limit is exceeded. You can view detailed CPU stats for every single day and month as well as for an entire calendar year.