In the event that you decide that you'd like to change the provider that is hosting your sites, you will have to move all the content to the hosting servers of the new one, which might not be a simple task if you don't have much experience or you just have no time to do it. In case you have an HTML Internet site, it will not be tough to migrate it as the migration is merely re-uploading all of the files to your new account, but in case you have a script-driven Internet site and you ought to migrate a database, then link the site to it, and in addition you would like to transfer mailboxes which you have set up for your domain name, you could find the whole process difficult. To make things simpler if you decide to get a web hosting account from our company, we offer site migration as a totally free service with all of our Internet hosting packages, saving you the time, funds and work which you shall otherwise have to spend to migrate the content yourself.

Assisted Website Migration in Website Hosting

After you obtain your new website hosting account, you'll be able to contact our tech support crew and set up the migration of your sites, which usually does not take more than two days. The number of sites which we can transfer for you varies according to the plan that you select upon signup, but there is no package in which this service isn't available, so we can assist you even if you have just 1 small Internet site and you prefer that our expert staff performs the migration. The only 2 requirements are the current web server to be running on Linux and the platform you have employed to produce the website on the first place not to be a closed-source one such as Jimdo or Wix as they don't allow access to the files. We will move any type of website whatever the hosting CP which you currently employ and our offer is valid for both custom-made sites and ones developed with well known script-driven apps for example Joomla or WordPress. When our support team moves everything, they'll check out the sites in order to make certain that they're working adequately and shall then inform you that you can change the name servers of your domain names and point them to our cloud platform.

Assisted Website Migration in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you wish to start using our Internet hosting services and you acquire a semi-dedicated server account, you can contact our technical support as soon as your account is active and schedule the migration from your current Internet hosting provider. The whole procedure typically takes a maximum of 24-48 hours and once our support team sets everything up on our end, they'll test every single website to verify that everything is functioning efficiently. You could then point your domain names to our cloud web hosting platform and given that the content will be exactly the same on both ends, there shall be virtually no downtime, therefore the Internet site visitors will not see any service interruptions. You'll be able to take full advantage of our 100 % free service and save time and efforts even if you wish to transfer multiple websites and the only limitation is that they should not be created with a closed site builder like Yola, Wix or Jimdo as these platforms don't allow their users to access the files of the websites designed on their end.

Assisted Website Migration in VPS Servers

If you select one of our VPS plans, we can start moving your Internet sites the moment your account is set and you contact us. The process typically takes up to 48 hours depending on the number and the size of the sites which you would like to move to the VPS and this time includes not just transferring the content, but also testing it afterwards as to ensure that your information is undamaged and that your websites will work adequately on our end. Our tech support can transfer any well known script app or custom site provided that it can function using a Linux hosting server and if you're not using a service like Weebly, Jimdo or Mr. Site because they do not provide access to the files of the websites built on their platforms. Other than that, our service is available for any hosting CP which you select on our end or use with the other service provider. We can save you the time and the efforts at no extra cost on top of the monthly VPS price and the work of your sites shall practically not be interrupted because during the propagation of the new name servers that you set for the domain names you would like to host on the server, you'll have the same content on both ends.

Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Servers

If you need more power for your websites and you decide to acquire one of our dedicated server solutions, we can transfer a number of sites from your present hosting provider within just two days. Needless to say, the time may vary depending on their number and size, but it rarely takes more than that. Our administrators can migrate any site which can run using a Linux machine and is not built on a closed platform like Weebly or Jimdo since they limit the access to the files of the websites created through them, so if you have a custom-made site or you are using a popular script-driven app like Joomla, phpBB or WordPress, we can migrate it in no time. We will test out the websites to make sure that they're working adequately and as soon as everything is all set, we will tell you, so you may update the name servers of any domain name which you would like to host on the dedicated server. Since the content will be exactly the same on both ends, your Internet sites shall be up and running during the DNS propagation. This service is completely free and we can save you lots of time and efforts.