Node.js is an open-source, event-driven environment, which uses Google's V8 JavaScript Engine. It’s used for scalable web applications that require live communication between a web server and the Internet users and can noticeably boost the performance of any Internet site that uses it. Node.js is designed to handle HTTP web requests and responses and incessantly delivers tiny bits of information. For instance, if a new user fills in a registration form, once any info is inserted in any of the boxes, it is sent to the server even if the remaining fields are not filled out and the user has not clicked on any button, so the info is handled a whole lot faster. In comparison, traditional platforms wait for the whole form to be filled out and one huge hunk of information is then submitted to the server. No matter how tiny the difference in the information processing time may be, things change if the site grows bigger and there’re plenty of individuals using it at the same time. Node.js can be used for online booking portals, interactive browser video games or online chat software, for example, and many companies, including eBay, LinkedIn and Yahoo, have already integrated it into their services.

Node.js in Website Hosting

You will be able to take advantage of Node.js with every website hosting plan that we are offering, as the platform is present on our cloud hosting servers and can be added to an active hosting account with a couple of clicks. Once you log into your Hepsia Control Panel, you will see Node.js in the Upgrades section where you can choose how many instances you want to order. One instance means that one single app will use the platform and you’ll be able to add as many instances to your hosting account as you need. A new menu will appear in the Hepsia Control Panel shortly afterwards and to begin using Node.js, you’ll need to insert the path to the .js file that will use the platform and to decide whether the connection should go through the physical server’s shared IP or via a dedicated one. The controls inside the Hepsia Control Panel will also enable you to restart or to remove an instance and to see the output of any given app.

Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you obtain a semi-dedicated server plan through us, you will be able to take advantage of the full capacity of Node.js with any Internet app that you host on our cloud hosting platform, because it comes with each and every plan that we offer. You can indicate the number of instances, or applications which can use Node.js, from the Hepsia Control Panel with which you can manage your semi-dedicated server. The only things that you are expected to do after that will be to define the path within the account to the .js file that will use Node.js and to pick the IP that will be used in order to access this file. You can choose a dedicated IP if you’ve got one, or any of the physical server’s shared IPs. Our platform will also set a random port number. With the Node.js controls inside the Hepsia Control Panel, you are able to check the output of a given application or to start/restart/deactivate any of the instances that you’ve activated.

Node.js in VPS Servers

All VPS plans that are ordered with our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel offer Node.js as standard and you can take full advantage of the platform for each web-based app that you host on the VPS. Since we have not imposed a limitation as to the number of instances that you can create, you can take full advantage of the power of our Virtual Private Servers and combine it with the full potential of Node.js. The configuration is done via the Hepsia Control Panel’s simple-to-use, point-and-click GUI, so even if you are not technically experienced, you won’t have to cope with any impediments while working with the Node.js platform. You’ll just have to insert the folder path in the VPS account to the .js file that will use Node.js and to select whether it will use a shared or a dedicated IP. Furthermore, our system will also select a port to access the file and you will be able to find it in the corresponding section in the Hepsia Control Panel. With only a click, you will be able to check the output of your applications and to stop or to reboot any Node.js instance running on the server.

Node.js in Dedicated Servers

You will be able to make use of the Node.js platform with your real-time, script-driven apps at no extra charge in case you purchase any of our dedicated web hosting plans and pick the Hepsia hosting Control Panel on the order page. The Node.js instances can be administered from the Node.js section of the Hepsia Control Panel through a simple-to-use graphical interface, which will allow you to start/terminate/reboot any Node.js instance or to check the output of the app that uses it with just one mouse click. Even if you’re not very tech-savvy, you’ll be able to use the platform, as all you’ll need to do to activate it is add the directory path to the .js file and select the IP that will be used to access the latter – a shared or a dedicated one. A randomly generated port number will be selected automatically too and you’ll see the benefits of running Node.js instantaneously. By mixing the platform with the power of our dedicated servers, you can use the full potential of your apps and to get the best possible performance.